We alone can devalue gold
by not caring
if it falls or rises
in the marketplace.
Wherever there is gold
there is a chain, you know,
and if your chain
is gold
so much the worse
for you.
Feathers, shells
and sea-shaped stones
are all as rare.
This could be our revolution:
to love what is plentiful
as much as
what's scarce.
Isn't she beautiful? Beautiful face, beautiful words, beautiful thoughts and beautiful values.
She's all that, I'm afraid I must agree. I used to think Alice was The Color Purple. I was wrong. And now I've got several of her other books on my wish list (hint, hint).
Her poem Walker is one of my favourites...unfortunately all my books are in the attic awaiting the new study, so I cannot dig it out and cannot find it on the internet. She is a wonder and this is another beautiful piece.
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